First Titanium prototype

The new Titanium park frame prototype from Production Privee with the collaboration from Pavel Alekhin “Vishneviy” is no regular bike for no regular rider.
The ability for Production Privee to achieve such a unique frame within the past few years was from the partnership with the Forestal Technology Centre (FTC). The FTC has all the facilities for the development, manufacturing and industrialisation of the projects related to bikes, automotive and sportswear industries in which Forestal Group is taking part in.
One of the first steps for Production Privée will be to launch its first titanium frame, another material synonymous with timelessness, return to the origins and exclusivity.
For Damien Nosella the Engineering & Innovation Manager at the FTC this is what he had to say about the current achievement.
“Production Privee, means private production, so when we had Pavel onboard, it was obvious for us to make him a special frame for what it does best -> pulling awesome tricks. We thrive into making things unique, so we had in mind to make him a special Titanium park frame.
Why titanium? Because we can achieve an optimized stiffness to weight ratio giving an extremely efficient and light frame but providing a smooth ride. Our trick at PP is to work on materials and thicknesses, from the rear to the front triangle we made our calculations to reach perfect dynamic characteristics.
Frame is made out of Titanium 3AL 2.5V with custom tubings and custom park geometry, resulting in a sub 1.9kg frame weight. Pavel rides completely brakeless and singlespeed, so no brake mount no derailleurs resulting in sub 8.8kg bike weight
Awesome right? Well that’s what we do.”
Damien Nosella - Engineering & Innovation Manager
The new period for Production Privée commences at the FTC